.. _config-rst: ############# Configuration ############# The following section covers the default GPI setup and more advanced configurations using the ``.gpirc`` file. .gpirc ====== The ``.gpirc`` file is a configuration file that can set the behavior of a few essential settings. GPI looks for this file in the user's home directory. This file is not installed by default, but can be generated as needed by selecting the *Config → Generate Config File* option from the main menu. To show the configuration settings, whether you have a ``.gpirc`` file or not, the following command can be entered into a terminal window:: $ gpi --config The output provides information about the configured paths, file associations, and additional make directives used by the ``gpi_make`` command. Library Directories ------------------- By default, GPI is set to look for user node libraries in your ``~/gpi`` directory, and in the GPI application directory (which is platform and installation dependent). The *core* node library comes pre-packaged with most GPI installations. Most user defined repositories or open source repositories (e.g. from GitHub) should be checked out into the user's ``~/gpi`` directory. GPI can assist you in creating a personal node repository if you select *Config → Generate User Library* from the menu bar; this will create a new empty library in ``~/gpi/``. The searched directories can be changed or added to by modifying the ``.gpirc`` file under the ``[PATH]`` label. The ``LIB_DIRS`` variable stores each path in a colon separated list:: [PATH] LIB_DIRS = ~/gpi:/opt/gpi/node The library directory can be specified directly or directories containing libraries. Adding any directories in this section will *override the default search locations*.